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Album Three

9.  With You (5:47)*

An allegorical tale of my life in songs. 

With some veiled references – and ambiguity.

Great guitar solo by Graeme – “play like David Gilmour, I said…..”

Play Song

9 With You


It has been a journey far into the past,

Casting light on memories that I thought were lost
Remembering the feelings that I had at the time

Telling of emotions that were very close to mine
I am living in a world with you.

It was all so wonderful with you

All around lights and noise and drama in the air.

Quiet nights by riversides and little known funfairs
Sometimes in sobriety and sometimes we relaxed.

Events that I remembered and many I forgot
I am glad that I created you.

It was all so wonderful with you

Sometimes I wrote about horrors and distress,

Other times satirical and maybe took the piss
I’ve tried to leave a legacy for those who I still love

Captured in my music and the lyrics of my songs
Many times I've saved myself through you.

It was all so wonderful with you

Songs of love and loss and the eventual suffering.

Some a little risky and sometimes other things
They encompass people and lovers and dead kings.

Even weird ideas and the passion that they bring
I've enjoyed living life with you.

It was all so wonderful with you.

So we watch a rising sun warm a quiet world.

Maybe love has still survived

Despite what you have heard
As I add an orchestra and maybe some guitars

I once hoped that all of this was going to be ours.
Lyrics were written just for you.

It was all so wonderful with you.

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