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Album Two

7.  When Dragons ruled the Earth (3:23)*

A satire on Game of Thrones. Great heavy guitar. Last verse lyric sometimes gets a laugh.....

Play Song

7 When Dragons Ruled The Earth


Long time ago before the battle for the Ring

In the deserts of their birth

Travelling on distant highways

It’s said that dragons ruled the earth


So when armies attack you,

Call on the forces of the air

Their warriors will dispatch you

Because the dragons rule the earth ......


Brutal passages can sometimes overwhelm,

The politics confuse for what it’s worth

Magic and the mystery seem to surround them

As dragons are said to rule the earth ......


Power games manoeuvres and sexual activity

Are the basis of a brutal tale.

We wait for plot developments in anticipation

While it seems that dragons rule the earth


The mother of all armies, unsullied as they are

Still commands the forces in the field

She controls the levers, the levers of the war

Because her dragons rule the earth.


I’ll let them get on with it and fight until the end,

What atrocities have they yet to reveal?

I fancy the blond one – if that is what it takes,

And I don’t care if dragons are not real.

I don’t care if dragons  are not real.

I don’t care if dragons  are not real.

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