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Album Three

8.  The Purpose of Government (2:23)*

Government waste, squandering our taxes.

Surely not?

Play Song

8 The Purpose of Government


The purpose of Government is to turn tax into waste

They squander your money all over the place

On administrators and miles of red tape

And thousands of jobs that they give to their mates.


They take it from you, and they take it from me

National insurance, VA bloody T

Taxes from income and taxes by stealth

To throw at the schools and the National Health


They spend it on useless projects and dreams,

High speed railways and failed IT schemes

They limit our pensions and then when we die

They take 40 percent in the blink of an eye.


Hundreds of Quangos give jobs to their friends

On consultant contracts and such gravy trains.

They employ advisors who spin things around

So that you don’t realise the money has gone.


Vote for the party which offers the most

Vote for those well-meaning Greens

Vote for the people who hate all the French

Or maybe you can abstain - maybe you can abstain?


They spend it on wars in far distant lands

On people with needs to give them a hand

They take it from beer and from wine and from fags

And just to keep Ministers in new model Jags.


And so it goes on - throughout the years

Whichever the party, we get the same sleaze

Whatever their colour: red, yellow or blue:

Their purpose is clear: it’s to keep screwing you!

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