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Gareth Jones


Song Writing Journey
Blue Curved Tubes


In the beginning

I started song writing as a teenager.  I never much wanted to play in bands or even collaborate. I just wanted to  write my own songs and maybe perform from time to time. I don’t play covers.

Having said that, I have been grateful to have had the help of some excellent musicians along the way. Neil, Nick, Graeme, Clare – looking at you!

My hobby was given a huge boost by a life changing two-year relationship with a very special girl at the age of 17 - which has inspired my song writing throughout my life. She left me when I was 19. It was a bit traumatic. Writing songs can be very cathartic!

Many of the songs were recorded either by myself in my bedroom or at University on tape machines. The quality and sophistication of some of the earlier songs is not up the standard of those tracks recorded more recently.

So don’t expect too much - but at least they have authentic charm!

I have over 130 songs recorded, and it was a little difficult to choose what I consider to be my better ones. I have ended up with three albums of some 40 songs. I hope they work for you.

Blue Curved Tubes


Inspiration & Collaboration

Over the years I have found inspiration in many places, and I have written songs about love, women, social issues, love, religion, war, violence, atrocities, love, politics and fantasy – and the odd satirical funny one. And maybe the occasional love song….

The second major influence on my songwriting was going to songwriting weeks at Bath Spa University. This taught me about song structure, storylines and lyrics and provided huge encouragement and enthusiasm – as well as tutorials with some of Britain’s best professional songwriters.

At Bath I also met the group of people who would become the “Ceridwen Cowboys”, and who have remained my song writing friends for 20 years (and counting).


There is not much many of us do in life which is unique and different.

These songs, I suppose are my contribution to the world. My legacy.

Anyway, I like them!

So, with this triple “best of” album maybe my goal has been achieved?

Probably not: once a songwriter, always a songwriter.

There will be more....

Blue Curved Tubes


Morden Shoals

As time went by my songs, I thought, were getting better, and I wanted to produce them to a higher standard.

I started working with Graeme Taylor at Morden Shoals Studio in June 2024 when I decided to undertake the major project of revitalising my song catalogue to mark my turning seventy. Seventy! Good grief! Where does the time go? – as someone once memorably sang…….

In all,  Graeme re-mastered around 100 songs and made new recordings of a further 35 or so.

After “Legacy” I plan to release a further three albums of songs that we have recorded but which didn’t get into the first selection. And there are more in my archives that I might revive one day.

It has been a stimulating  and hugely enjoyable experience and I've  written about half a dozen new songs during the time I've worked with Graeme.  (And I’ve got more in my notebook!).

He has brought a new dimension to my work and has turned simple guitar/vocal songs into sometimes huge production numbers. And all the while being sensitive to the song, its mood and its subject. Thanks Graeme.

I’ve also recently engaged with Talent is Timeless and went to a very productive songwriting workshop which inspired two of my favourite songs. And I've got two more songwriting weeks planned for 2025.

 So, the muse is still there and so is my hobby!

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